21 Incredible Macramé Hanging Plants for Indoor Space

Plants add life and elegance to your home. Using them for decorating indoor spaces is not only acceptable but it’s one of the best practices of minimalist interior décor. And of all the indoor plants, the macramé hanging plants are the easiest to grow and maintain.

Macramé hanging plants survive with very minimal care. They require little sunlight and can be watered just once or twice a week yet the benefits are enormous.

From a health standpoint, these macramé hanging plants provide you will fresh air, and psychologically, they help bring a relaxed mood. Decorating your living room, dining room, bedroom, or bathroom with one or two greeneries also makes the room so welcoming and expensive.

Of course, I must stress that plants need to be used sparingly. Don’t turn your indoor spaces into a green house in the name of decorating. This is why I’ve assembled 20 best small-space macramé hanging plants to help you in selecting what is best for you.

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Before we dive deep in, let’s explore the following terms:

What is a Macramé Plant Hanger?

Macramé Plant Hanger is a type of support for decorative plants that are made by knotting fabric or cords in a particular pattern. Although they’re used as support, they’re decorative pieces if they’re wonderfully knotted.

A macramé plant hanger consists of space where either a basket planter or a small container is put, and a hook of some kind. The hook helps in hanging the plant on the wall which helps in decluttering the shelves and TV stand.

What is a Macramé Hanging Plant?

On the contrary, a macramé hanging plant is any greenery that can be put in a macramé plant hanger or that can be hung using macramé containers. Although some people hang macramé plants outdoors, most of these plants are used in the interior home décor.

Best Macramé Hanging Plants

If you’re here for these indoor plants, here are the 21 best macramé hanging plants that you can use to decorate any interior room.

1. Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos_one of Macramé Hanging Plants
Source: amazon

Golden Pothos consists of heart-shaped green leaves with some yellow-to-white variegation. Although it’s so incredible, it’s so easy to grow as it requires indirect bright light. However, it survives in medium to low-light areas making it perfect for indoor spaces.

2. English Ivy

Macrame hanging English Ivy
Source: lowes.com

English Ivy is another evergreen household plant that helps to purity air. It’s specifically great for purifying benzene.

If you give it enough water, light, and indoor plant care, English Ivy can grow so fast. In fact, it can form unnecessary shrubs in your room. It can be grown indoors and outdoors. Although some prefer to keep it indoors, it grows faster in the outdoor space. It climbs over fences, trees, and some upright features.

Although it seems so amazing, it’s not filled with milk and honey. In fact, English Ivy is toxic to animals and people. Of course, this is not a big deal since you’ll hang it using a macramé hanging planter.

3. Heartleaf Philodendron

Heartleaf philodendron

Heartleaf Philodendron is also one of the best macramé hanging plants. As the name suggests, it consists of heart-shaped large green leaves with a pointy apex. A fully grown leaf is between 2 and 4 inches (5 and 10 cm).

This is so common among indoor plant enthusiasts because they’re so easy to grow and maintain. Heartleaf philodendron has soft leaves. As such, you should not expose it to direct sunlight.

It thrives well with diffuse light and can get burnt with direct sunshine. This is great for wall-hanging indoor plants.

4.  Marble Queen

Marble Queen

The next is marble queen. It’s a type of pothos indoor plant that consists of heart-shaped leaves with variegated creamy white patches like Golden pothos. It’s a trailing plant; instead of growing upright or climbing up, it will seek an anchor or grow down.

Marble Queen is so easy to keep as it requires only once-a-week watering. It does not need too much water and light making it suitable for indoor spaces.

 And since it’s a climbing plant (it grows to over 3m long), to care for this indoor plant, you need to keep trimming it.

5. Spider Plant

Spider plant macrame hanging

This is an indoor plant that survives with very minimal watering. It’s one of the detoxifying indoor plants as it absorbs carbon dioxide and other harmful gases.

Spider plant requires warm temperature (13-27 degrees Celsius), moist soil, and bright to moderate light. This means you can hang it on the wall opposite the window.

If you have never seen a spider plant, it consists of vibrant narrow long green solid leaves with white or yellow streaks. And of course, it does not exactly look like a spider, but perhaps since its leaves branch from a single stem and curve up and down, they may resemble a spider’s legs at a certain stage.

6.  Tradescantia

Image credit: Pinterest.com

Tradescantia is the next macramé hanging plant for indoor space. It’s also known as wandering dude and inch plant.

It’s so easy to grow and take care of. It requires a well-drainage planter such as a rattan or bamboo basket planter. Just make sure you water it regularly even in winter to avoid keeping it too dry for requires adequate moisture.

Tradescantia enjoys most under full or partial shade. This means you can just put it into a macramé planter and hang it beside the window. And it’ll thrive like crazy.

7. Strings of hearts

The name of this plant is so definitive. It consists of a stem in form of a string and heart-shaped grey leaves with pinkish undersides. It is a perfect macramé hanging plant.

The plant requires a place that receives bright indirect light or medium sunlight. However, too much sunlight will lead to the scorching of its leaves.

It’s a lovely trailing plant that can grow or climb from one planter to another hanging planter. Of course, you need to trim it now and then if grows too much.

8.  Round Leaf Peperomia

Round Leaf Peperomia
Source: Pinterest.com

Round Leaf Pereromia, a.k.a. Jade Lace or creeping button, is a trailing plant that originated from the rainforest in South America. It consists of button-like round leaves that are attached to a small stem.

Growing the plant is basically simple. You just need to pay attention to water drainage, light levels, and soil moisture. If you want to grow it indoors, make sure you find a porous container to allow drainage.

Use a planter like bamboo or rattan basket planter and hang it with macramé. Place it away from direct sunlight and away from complete darkness for it requires bright indirect sunlight. Water is regular but doesn’t allow water to stay for long it.

9. Boston Fern

Boston fern
Source: pinterest.com

The other great macramé hanging plant is the Boston fern or Sword fern. This plant has made a name among gardeners as one of the easy plants to grow indoors.

The above statement may lead to misinterpretation that Sword Fern is a set-and-forget plant. However, that’s far from the truth for it requires constant watering so that its soil remains moist.

It also requires you to monitor light. If Boston fern is exposed to too much light, its leaves may start scorching. As such, you need to place it away from direct sunlight, but in a bright and humid place.

10.  Haworthia

Source: Pinterest.com

Next is a perennial succinct plant in the family of aloe. It consists of green spike-tipped leaves with white ridges on them.  It looks like a small aloe plant.

In terms of light, Haworthia is fine with direct sunlight, but it grows happily in a place with bright indirect sunlight. This makes it perfect for a macramé hanging planter.

If Boston fern is easy to grow, Haworthia is the easiest. It’s not a plant that you forget two days without watering and start worrying about. It does not need regular watering: once per fortnight will be enough for an indoor Haworthia. In winter, you may water it once per month or so.

It’s a no-brainer!

11.  Swiss Cheese Plant

Swiss cheese plant

This is one of the most beautiful plants on the list. Originally from the rainforests of southern Mexico and Panama, the Swiss cheese plant consists of evergreen split-margined leaves.

It’s an amazing macramé plant for it grows happily in a well-drained container. Swiss cheese plant, just like many others on this list, doesn’t enjoy being soaked in water. As such, you need to water until the soil has been drained of too much water (until the soil on top of the container has dried up) before watering again.

In terms of light, the Swiss cheese plant has soft leaves which can easily scorch when exposed to direct sunlight. You need to hang the Swiss cheese plant on the wall that receives bright indirect light.

12. Birds-Nest Fern

Bird’s-nest fern is an epiphytic species of fern that consists of large wavy light green fronds. The fronds of a bird’s nest fern would almost look like those of a small banana if it were not for its upward caving and crinkled margins.

The plant is perfect for an indoor macramé hanging because it detests harsh direct sunlight. It requires medium indirect sunlight.

Bird’s nest fern is a no-brainer to grow indoors. It requires once per week watering if it’s at a bright indirect light and once per fortnight watering if it’s at a low indirect light sport.

13.  String of Pearls

A string of pearls, a.k.a. string of beads, is another type of indoor that is a perfect fit as a macramé hanging plant. It consists of small round bead-like leaves joined to a long climbing stem and it grows downward when it’s in a macramé plant hanger.

You may be thinking: why should I have this weird plant in my garden? Let’s face it: we get tired of seeing the indoors that everyone else is growing in the living room. Having this plant delicately hanging on a macramé planter will transform your living room with an uncommon kind of greenery.

The strings of beads will thrive well if you place them in a place with bright indirect light and when you water them once per two weeks. Just make sure the above soil has dried before watering.

14.  String of Turtles

The other type of indoor plant ideal for macramé hanging is the string of turtles, otherwise known as Peperomia Prostrata. It does not require too much water and can survive without too much care. And most importantly, it’s non-toxic.

In terms of watering, the only thing you can worry about the plant is overwatering. Otherwise, if your water once per fortnight or three weeks, they thrive happily.

The string of turtles consists of a small trailing plant that has small fleshy green leaves attached to a string-like stem. The leaves have attractive white patterns on the top.

15.  String of Buttons

The string of buttons is another indoor plant that is a no-brainer to grow and maintain.

It requires no frequent watering. In fact, Succulent and Sunshine recommends a soak-and-dry method when handling the string of buttons. The method involves drying watering the plant and leaving it for some time to allow the soil to dry before watering again.

String of buttons has a very interesting look. It consists of a small stem with fleshy pointy leaves sprouting at close intervals forming a beautiful flower-like shape at the end. The stem can grow upright when there are few of them.

16.  Chinese Money Plant

This is such a cute little plant. It consists of a tap-rooted stem and leaves with a long petiole and round leaf blade. Funny enough, the leaves grow to form some kind of a round shape at the end of a branch.

Apart from purifying air, some people believe the plant helps to create a positive environment and attract prosperity, wealth, and good luck.

17.  Asparagus fern

Asparagus fern
Source: Pinterest.com

This is an interesting plant for you can grow indoors or on the porch. However, the Asparagus fern that is most exposed to direct sunlight is dense and its stem is stronger. On the contrary, the one grown indoors is spacious and has some flex to the delicate stem.

18. Button Fern

Button fern, a.k.a. Pellaea Rotundifolia, is a popular indoor plant in most countries. It’s got a thin stem and round leathery leaves attached to it. It’s so easy to take care of and ideal for macramé hanging.

19.  Cactus

Cactus plant
Source: Pinterest.com

You should know Cactus. In case you don’t, it’s a chlorophyll-filled stem that is generally thorny and leafless. And yes, the cactus plant is an indoor plant.

It’s mostly placed on the shelf in the living room. However, you can grow it as a macramé hanging plant.

20.  Burro’s Tail

This is a trailing plant that consists of fruit-like leaves attached to the stem. One branch of Burro’s tail plant looks like the long tail of a donkey. I guess that’s where the name Burro’s tail comes from.

Final Thoughts on Macramé Hanging Plants

Macramé hanging plants are such an excellent addition to your interior space. Apart from all the health benefits discussed –in passing –in this post, they elevate the level of your interior space.

As I discuss in the post filled with 19 Epic Home Decor Ideas to Make Your Home Look Expensive, including greenery in your living room makes your room more expensive and elegant.

Again, you need to use plants for indoor décor sparingly. Choose one or two macramé plants discussed in this post and place them inside a porous planter like a wicker basket planter, you’ll rock it.

This minimalist approach is more elegant that filling your room with various plants.

All the best!


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