21 Amazing Indoor Hanging Plants Low Light

A piece of living greenery in your living room, home office, dining room, or bedroom is such an amazing way of bringing life into your indoors. However, some people shy away from adding a live plant indoors because of poor natural lighting in most of the interior rooms.

This is where indoor hanging plants that require little to no natural lighting become more wanted but rather needed. They take away all the stress and worry that the plant will die because it does not receive enough exposure to sunshine.

Buckle up because in this post we explore the incredible indoor hanging plants that require very minimal natural light.

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What is a Low-Light Trailing Plant?

A low-light trailing plant is a type of plant that thrives in environments with limited natural light. These plants (Trailing Plants) have adaptations that allow them to grow and cascade down from hanging baskets or shelves.

They typically have long, trailing stems or vines that gracefully drape over the edges, adding a touch of elegance and greenery to indoor spaces with minimal light.

How Low Should the Light Be for the Low Light Indoor Plant to Survive?

Low-light indoor plants can survive in environments with light levels as low as 50-100 foot-candles. Foot-candles measure the intensity of light reaching a surface.

In terms of specific light conditions, these plants can thrive in areas away from direct sunlight such as rooms with a north-facing window or shaded corners of a room.

Low-light indoor hanging plants

1. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

My first excellent choice for hanging baskets that can tolerate low light levels is Pothos. This is a versatile and popular houseplant known for its trailing vines and heart-shaped leaves.

As far as light requirements go, the Pothos plant can adapt to environments of different lighting. However, it thrives in a low-light environment –especially if the light is not direct. Otherwise, it can’t stand a bright direct light

Just like most indoor plants, pothos requires moist soil. Just make sure, you observe the soil before watering. Before you water the plant, ensure that the top large is dried up.

2.  Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Another fascinating choice when it comes to low-light indoor plants is the Spider plant. A spider plant features long, arching leaves with green coloration and white stripes running along the edges.

It often produces small, white flowers and baby spider plantlets that dangle from the parent plant. Thanks to its leaves, a spider plant doesn’t require too much water: moderate watering will be fine for it.

As for the lighting, it can survive in low light, but it thrives in a bright indirectly-lit room. Besides, it does also well under fluorescent which means you can grow them in the office setting.  

3. English ivy (Hedera helix)

English ivy (Hedera helix)_one of indoor hanging plants low light

English ivy is an indoor plant that has climbing or trailing vines with small, leathery, and lobed leaves that have a characteristic deep green color. It is known for its ability to form a dense mat of foliage, making it suitable for hanging baskets or as a ground cover.

It does okay in a low-light room. However, it grows at its best in a medium-light or bright indirect-light room. And if you want its leaves to be in dominant green, you should give it enough light.

 4. Philodendron (Philodendron spp.)

Philodendron (Philodendron spp.)

Philodendron is another great choice for an indoor hanging plant that grows in low light. It has many varieties such as heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum) that can thrive in low-light environments.

As the name suggests, a heartleaf philodendron, scientifically known as Philodendron hederaceum, is a flowering plant with leaves that take the form of a heart.

Although it requires a room well-lit by indirect light, it does okay in a low-light environment. Of course, you can’t expect it to grow large leaves if you place it in a gloomy room.

5. ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

The ZZ plant, scientifically known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is another popular low-light hanging plant that is appreciated for its glossy, dark green leaves.

This plant can tolerate a wide range of light conditions, including low light, making it suitable for areas with minimal natural light. However, it thrives at its best in bright non-direct light.

When it comes to watering, the ZZ plant is drought-tolerant and prefers its soil to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s important to avoid excessive moisture.

6. Peace lily (Spathiphyllum sp.)

Peace lilies are another epic plants that you can put in a basket and hang with a macramé plant hanger or a string tied to the basket.

You can easily distinguish Peace Lilies through their white flowers, which are a specialized leaf bract called a spathe that surrounds the small yellow flowers.

They can be placed at the corner or light above the window for they thrive in low light. This is because they do better in a bright light coming from a reflection and not direct light.

7. Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema spp.)

The next indoor hanging plant that thrives in a low-light room is the Chinese evergreen. As the name states, Chinese Evergreens have large, glossy leaves that come in various shades of green, silver, and cream often with patterns or variegation.

Chinese Evergreens are known for their tolerance of low-light conditions. They can tolerate areas with less light although this may affect their growth rate and coloration.

8. Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

 My other favorite choice in terms of indoor hanging plants that thrive in low light is Boston Ferns. These are a type of ferns that consists of long, cascading fronds with multiple leaflets, and can reach up to 2-3 feet (60-90 cm) in length.

Just like many hanging indoor plants on this list, these ferns can stand bright light but not direct light. This makes them perfect for low-light areas like on the shelf, in the corner, and above cardboard.

9. Golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum “Marble Queen”)

This is a variety of Pothos that features large patches of creamy white or yellowish-white, which contrast beautifully with the dark green color of the rest of the leaf.

Though it can tolerate cooler temperatures, the plant prefers average room temperatures between 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C).

And in terms of the light, it does well in low light. However, its growth may slow down, and the variegation may become less pronounced in very low-light areas.

10. Snake plant (Sansevieria spp.)

Snake plant (Sansevieria spp.)

We can’t talk of low-light indoor hanging plants without mentioning snake plants. These are succulent perennials that belong to the genus Sansevieria. They are native to tropical regions of Africa, particularly West Africa.

Snake plants are highly adaptable when it comes to lighting conditions. They can tolerate a wide range of light levels, from low to bright indirect light.

11. Arrowhead plant (Syngonium podophyllum)

 Arrowhead plants have attractive arrow-shaped leaves and can tolerate low to moderate light levels.

12. Peperomia (Peperomia spp.)

Peperomia plants are one of the most beautiful indoor hanging plants. They consist of decorative that range from vibrant green to variegated patterns of green, silver, red, or yellow.

Some species also produce small, inconspicuous flowers on spikes, although they are often grown primarily for their foliage.

You can place this plant in the north or east-facing window because it doesn’t require direct sunlight. Instead, it needs bright reflected light.

13. Cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior)

Perfect to be put in a home office and home studio, the Cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior) is one of the beautiful indoor hanging or potted plants. It’s an evergreen perennial plant that features dark green, leathery, and lance-shaped leaves.

One of the reasons the cast iron plant is highly regarded as a low-maintenance plant is its ability to withstand dry soil conditions. And as for the light, it’ll do well in low light and even better in medium bright indirect light.

14. Devil’s Ivy (Epipremnum aureum ‘Golden Pothos’)

This is another variety of Pothos that has bright, variegated leaves and is well-suited to low-light environments. The leaves typically have a mix of green and yellow hues although there are cultivars with different color variations such as all-green or white variegation.

You can put this plant on the table, shelf, and opposite the window light’s reflection. Otherwise, it thrives best in medium to bright indirect light.

15. The string of pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)

A string of pearls is a unique trailing plant with round bead-like leaves that grow and climb down from a container anchoring its roots. It’s usually propagated through stem cuttings.

The plant is gorgeous and unique thanks to the round bead-like leaves and how they sprout from the container holding it. Since it’s a low-light plant, you can use it anywhere in your home from the bedroom to the living room.

16. Rhipsalis (Rhipsalis spp.)

The other amazing indoor hanging plant that thrives in low light is the Rhipsalis. It typically has long, slender, trailing, or pendulous stems that can grow several feet in length. The stems are usually green and segmented, with a flattened or cylindrical shape.

Since it’s poisonous, you need to hang this plant at a height not reachable by toddlers. You can hang it in the corner or above the window as long as it’s a place that doesn’t receive direct sunlight.

17. Philodendron micans

Philodendron micans are a variety of Philodendron that consists of velvety heart-shaped leaves. They made it onto this list because they require minimal light.

The plant has such an attractive look as the top part is green and the down one is reddish. And of course, it does have a climbing stem and can fill an entire corner of the house.

18. Nerve plant (Fittonia spp.)

Nerve plants have strikingly patterned leaves and can thrive in low-light conditions. They prefer high humidity despite not requiring lots of light.

You can grow them in areas that receive very little lighting. However, if you want them directly opposite a window, you should use a curtain on the window.

19. Maidenhair fern (Adiantum spp.)

Maidenhair ferns, belonging to the Adiantum genus, are delicate and elegant indoor plants known for their delicate lacy foliage. When it comes to temperature, these ferns prefer moderate to cool temperatures ranging from 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C).

They can tolerate slightly warmer temperatures but may suffer in hot conditions. In terms of light, Maidenhair ferns thrive in well-lit indirect light. However, they are sensitive to direct sunlight and should be placed in a location with filtered or dappled light

20. Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina)

Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina)

The Wandering Jew plant, scientifically known as Tradescantia zebrina, is a popular potted or hanging household plant due to its attractive foliage. Although it can also tolerate some direct sunlight, the Wandering Jew still thrives in a room that gets well-lit because of bouncing light.

21. Orchids (Phalaenopsis spp.)

Orchids (Phalaenopsis spp.)

Let’s end this list with the Orchids. These beautiful and popular flowering plants are known for their elegant and exotic blooms.

They belong to the Orchidaceae family and are native to tropical regions, particularly Southeast Asia. Just like every plant on this list, Orchids thrive in shady areas that don’t receive direct light.

FAQs about Indoor Hanging Plants Low Light

Where is the Best Place for Low Light Plants?

The best place for low-light plants is in areas of your home or office that receive indirect or filtered light. North-facing windows or areas away from direct sunlight. You can put low plants in the corners or rooms with limited natural light which are ideal.

These locations provide enough brightness without exposing the plants to harsh direct sunlight. Otherwise, when these plants are overexposed to direct light, they get burnt or die.

What Hanging Plants Prefer the Dark?

While most plants require some degree of light to survive, there are a few options that can tolerate lower light conditions approaching darkness. One such plant is the Hoya (Hoya spp.) and Neon Pothos. Some varieties of Hoya, like the Hoya carnosa, can adapt to lower light levels and still thrive.

However, you need to understand that even plants that can tolerate low-light conditions still require some light to perform basic photosynthesis and maintain their health.

Therefore, you should provide at least some indirect or filtered light for any plant, even those that can handle darker environments

Can Pothos Grow in Low Light?

The answer is YES. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a popular trailing plant that can tolerate low-light conditions. While it prefers bright, indirect light, you can still grow it in areas with limited natural light.

However, remember that Pothos may exhibit slower growth and less vibrant foliage in low-light environments.

Final Words on Indoor Hanging Plants Low Light

From purifying the air, to reducing stress, and beautifying the indoor space, indoor hanging plants have countless advantages. Unlike a fake indoor plant, a living greenery will interact with you as it grows exchanging essential gases with you.

As such, it’s a huge understatement to say: you should consider having them. Rather, it’s a must for you to have a living breathing plant especially now that there is no excuse.

Here are some of the posts related to greeneries that you may love:

15 Different types of rubber plants for Indoor Plants

21 Incredible Macramé Hanging Plants for Indoor Space

Otherwise, I wish you a lovely experience with the low-light indoor hanging plants.


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